Written by Yasuhiro Kaizu
Copyright (C) 1999 Yasuhiro Kaizu
All rights reserved.
Version 1.0.0
February 14, 1999
This program is a poker game whose rules were arranged by me in order to play easily and speedily.
System Requirements:
(1) A 68030, 68040, or PowerPC Macintosh
computer running System 7.1 or later. (The 68040 or later is recommended. This program runs under the emulation mode if the CPU is the PowerPC.)
(2) A 9-inch or larger monitor.
(3) 600KB free RAM space.
(4) 220KB free disc space.
Virus Check:
Done with the Disinfectant 3.7.1
and the WormScanner 2.2.1.
How to Play:
The way to play this game is easy. Though you will probably be able to play it without the following instruction
because indications appear on the window for you, I will explain how to
play this game to make sure.
(1) To start the game, please click the "Start" button or hit the "return" or "enter" key. After that, the dealer is decided by the random number automatically and the cards are given to each player.
(2) After the dealing, the indication appears at the bottom of the window which urges you to exchange the cards. At this moment, you can discard the unnecessary cards and get the new ones in order to strengthen your cards. To do this, you have only to click the cards you want to hold (not the cards you want to discard) or hit the number key equivalent to the cards (for example, if you want to keep the first card from the left end, you will hit the "1" key. If you keep the third card, you will hit the "3" key.) and then the string "hold" is appear under the each card which you selected. You can go on the game by clicking the button "Next" or hit the "return" or "enter" key.
(3) Each player pays 1 point as an ante automatically. At this moment, if there is no player who has the "Jack-One Pair" or stronger, the note appears and the dealing is done again from the beginning. In this case, the paid ante does not come back and you must follow the procedure (2) again. After that, if there is no player who has the "Queen-One Pair" or stronger, the dealing is done again. You must follow the procedure (2) again. At the third time, if there is no player who has the "King-One Pair" or stronger, the dealing is done again and again. In this way, the dealing is done many times until the player who has the suitable cards to start the game appears. The test changes at each dealing just like "Jack-One Pair" ---> "Queen-One Pair" ---> "King-One Pair" ---> "Jack-One Pair". The ante is paid every time the dealing is done and they do not come back. (In normal cases, the game starts after once or twice dealing.)
(4) After the procedure (3) has completed and the game has started, every player will choose an option among "Raise" to raise up the bet, "Call" to bet the same point as the current largest bet, and "Drop" to drop out of the current round. When your turn has come, a dialog box appears.
(5) If you select "Raise", you must input the amount more than the value displayed in the edit box, and click the "Raise" button in this dialog box. (The value displayed in the edit box from the beginning is the one which is the result of taking your bet from the current largest bet. For instance, if the current largest bet is 300 and you have already bet 100, you will have to bet more than 200 in order to counter the largest bet and the gap 200 will appear in the edit box.)
(6) If you select "Call", click the "Call" button in the dialog box. Once you have selected "Call", you cannot "Raise" after that.
(7) If you select "Drop", click the "Drop" button in the dialog box or hit the "return" or "enter" key. After that you cannot take part in that round.
(8) Even after going once through the players' order, there may be a possibility of the largest bet continuing to go up. In that case and unless you have dropped, please follow one of the procedures (5) or (6).
(9) When there is no one who will choose "Raise" and every player has chosen either "Call" or "Drop", or when all players except one whose bet is the largest currently have selected either "Call" or "Drop", all cards which every player has will be opened. At this time the player who has the strongest cards will get all the pot and will become the next dealer. If you want to start the next round, you can click the "Start" button or hit the "return" or "enter" key.
(10) If the score of any player becomes 0 (zero), the game ends and a dialog box which asks you whether you will continue the game appears. If you want to go on with the game, you can click the "Continue" button in that dialog box or you can hit the "return" or "enter" key. If you want to end the game, click the "Quit" button in that dialog box.
(11) You can finish the game at any time if you click the "Quit" button or select "Quit" of the File menu.
"File" menu:
(1) "Quit" or Command Key & Q
---> ends this program.
"Edit" menu:
(1) "Cut" or Command Key & X
---> cuts the text in the edit box.
(2) "Copy" or Command Key & C
---> copies the text in the edit box.
(3) "Paste" or Command Key &V ---> pastes the text in the edit box.
(4) "Preferences" or Command Key
& 1 ---> shows the preferences dialog box. You can select the
default number of players.
"Mode" menu:
(1) "2 Players" or Command Key &2 ---> makes the number of the players two.
(2) "3 Players" or Command Key &3 ---> makes the number of the players three.
(3) "4 Players" or Command Key &4 ---> makes the number of the players four.
Buttons on the window:
(1) "Start/Next" ---> goes on with
the game.
(2) "2 Players" ---> makes the number
of the players two.
(3) "3 Players" ---> makes the number
of the players three.
(4) "4 Players" ---> makes the number
of the players four.
(5) "Quit" ---> ends this program.
Meaning of Display:
(1) "Scr" ---> Score. The current
(2) "Bet" ---> Bet. The accumulated
bet at the current round.
(3) "Rnk" ---> Ranking. The
ranking at the current round.
(4) "Del" ---> Dealing Times. The times that the dealing has been done at the current round.
(5) "Pot" ---> Pot. The total
of all the players' bet and ante at the current round.
How to Register:
"PokerOne" is a shareware. The shareware
fee is US$ 15, and you can register this program through the registration
service of RegSoft.com. You can select any registration method among
telephone, fax, snail mail or online registration.
TOLL-FREE Voice Order Line :
(Product ID:10099 is required.)
1-877-REGSOFT (1-877-734-7638)
24 Hour Fax Order : (Product
ID:10099 is required.)
For more information about the registration procedure or direct Online Order, please access to the RegSoft.com's online order web site as follows.
Registration Code:
"PokerOne" has a protection scheme
and the dialog box telling you to register this program appears at the
startup and while the game is going on. There is no functional limitation
except that. Once you pay the fee, RegSoft.com tells you the registration
code to you. For more information about the registration procedure
or direct Online Order, please access to the RegSoft.com's online order
web site above.
Getting the Latest Version:
You can download the latest versions
of my programs including "PokerOne" at the author's web site.
Contact the Author:
If you have any questions, suggestions,
or bug reports, please send email to:
Yasuhiro Kaizu
However, I cannot accept the registration or the payment, or the issue of the registration code. You can contact RegSoft.com mentioned above.